Monday, December 17, 2007

Color Me Mine... after

I was so happy to see the way my cookie plate looked after it was fired! Color Me Mine was definitely a terrific outing - well worth my time and money. I made this fantastic (if I do say) plate to use for future Christmases and this ornament to commemorate our wedding day:

In other news, this has been a very rocky week for me. Last Thursday, I was struck by a car when I was crossing the street. My cuts and bruises are healing pretty well, but my teeth are a mess. I just thank God that it wasn't worse and I look forward to being able to chew food again sometime in the new year. Argh.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

UCAL Sale Photos

I took some photos the other night at the UCAL sale and I'm really happy with the way they turned out. I'm really pleased with the layout of the sale and the fantastic items that people have made this year. For example, Trina made a whole series of bird houses and some new, beautiful mirrors. They look like quilts! She also made these gorgeous pillows again this year.

This year, Jennifer (Jericas Designs) made a new series of jewelry pieces with semi precious stones and gorgeous pendants...

...In addition to her old favorites.

Of course, we also have tons of ornaments, pottery, and so much more!

I do wish I had taken photos at the opening, though... This little display of coasters would have been a little bigger! Always a good problem to have - when things sell faster than you can photograph them!

Overall, it's a really good sale... I just wish that the crowds were coming out... it's been a slow sale so far. So, if you live in the Philadelphia area, stop on by: 4226 Spruce Street!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Crafting on the Go

The opening of the UCAL sale went very well! We were really busy and the crowd was good... of course, it's always a bit stressful, too, because there is so much going on and I was so busy! So, it was very nice to have some relaxing crafting time in a different environment on Saturday. My alumnae chapter has long talked about visiting a local Color Me Mine branch to "paint our own pottery" and finally did it this weekend.

Although we're not making the pieces ourselves, it's still a very creative process. You select a piece (sizes ranging from small ornaments to piggy banks to huge platters and much more) and then your color palette of under glazes and then get to work! They have stencils and foam stamps and all sorts of cool things to use.

I realized when I was there that it's such a stress reliever to sit and paint things and focus closely on that... I guess it just lets your brain sort out other things on its own while you're busy. Or something.

In any case, the prices are very reasonable (just a $10 base for under glazes, glazing, firing, and using all their stuff) and then you pay by the piece. They fire things on such a reliable schedule that your pieces are done a week from when you painted them.

So, these are the before firing pictures... next week, I'll share the after!

PS. I know I owe pictures of the UCAL sale - I need to get on that!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Just a reminder: UCAL Holiday Craft Show opens TOMORROW

I can't believe how fast this year has gone! Already, it's time for the University City Arts League holiday craft show and sale.

The opening is TOMORROW from 5.30p - 7.30p. It's a West Philly tradition, so come on out!!

For a glimpse of what awaits you... some photos from last year's show...

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Loot at Vix Emporium

I was really excited to see that Emily at Vix Emporium had taken some photos of the store once it was filled with fabulous crafty goodness!

I was even more excited to see that there was a picture featuring MY fabulous crafty goodness!

It's a little hard to make out, but look at the second shelf... there are candles wrapped in cellophane (mine!), little boxes that were painted and decoupaged (mine!) Even harder to see: on the third shelf toward the back, there are handstamped "thirsty" coasters (mine!).

Friday, November 30, 2007

The University City Arts League Holiday Sale - Opening 12/7

It's so hard for me to believe that another holiday season is upon us! A week from tonight, the University City Arts League (UCAL) is hosting the opening of our annual holiday sale! I love participating in the UCAL sale each year. It's a great opportunity to see what other crafty people have been up to all year and to buy some handmade gifts for the holidays.

This year, I will be selling cards, candles, pottery, clay ornaments, hand stamped "thirsty" coasters, as well as a new item this year: chipboard ornaments that I have designed and decorated with paper, ink, embossing, stamps, and ribbon. I'm loving these new ornaments as they are very bright and festive and not heavy - these babies won't be breaking any branches and they also make great tags for gifts!

There will also be a ton of pottery on sale - all made right in the UCAL basement - as well as lots of jewelry (my buddy, Jericas Designs will be out in force) . It's always a great way to kick off the holiday shopping scene if you haven't started your shopping... or for those of you who have finished shopping for others, it's a great time to pick up something for yourself.

Important info:

The sale will kick off with a grand opening in the UCAL gallery on Friday, December 7, 2007, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Visitors will have a chance to meet the artists who teach and take classes at the Arts League and whose work will be available for sale.

The sale runs until December 18, 2007. Regular sale hours will begin on Saturday, December 8, 2007, as follows: Saturday and Sunday from 12:30pm to 5:30pm and Monday through Friday from 4:00pm to 9:30pm. UCAL is located at 4226 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

More info about UCAL:
In 1965, a handful of West Philadelphia artists, art collectors and students of the arts got together to form the University City Arts League in a modest Victorian twin at 4226 Spruce Street. Today, some 4,000 students each year, from tots through teens and all the way to senior citizens take painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, quilting, pottery, music, dance, screen writing and foreign name just a few of the 70 classes that are offered each term. And that's not even counting the baker's dozen of one-time workshops held on weekends, ranging from belly-dance veil techniques to conquering the piles of paper in your otherwise artistic home.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh the weather outside is... not quite winter

So after much avoidance on my part, I finally started my personal holiday cards this weekend. You will be pleased to know that no one was harmed during the construction of these cards and that I still have all my fingers. It took me a long time to get motivated to start my cards this year... maybe because I was feeling itimidated - I always end up sending at least 100 cards and I sort of feel like, "man, i just DID this" what with the wedding invitations earlier this year. Plus, it doesn't feel like winter outside (hence the title of this entry). And plus, I bought new stamps for this year's card and then just couldn't wrap my head around what I wanted to do... but, then it all came together and now I *love* them!! I can't post a picture here because I don't want to ruin anyone's holiday joy, but I am seriously happy... they are very simple cards, but I think very pretty and the fact that I haven't designed the Mt. Rushmore of Santa greetings YET AGAIN makes me feel very relaxed. And I need that, people, I really do. I mean, this is the same woman who almost took of her own finger last week making Christmas ornaments. Clearly, I need to take a break from the over exertion.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Crafting 911

Oh my.

Have you ever used a Crop-a-dile? It's an amazing little tool. It has two heavy duty hole punches and a silent eyelet setter all on one tool. One squeeze and everything compresses. If I had more hands, I could punch two holes and set an eyelet all at one time. Since I just have the two hands, though, I was able to punch one hole and attempt to set an invisible eyelet into my left pinky finger.

I think it should be impossible for a person to injure herself so badly so quickly and so silently. It immediately raised into a HUGE bruise and thank God that the skin broke and bled, otherwise I was on my way to a very bad situation, I think.

This sucks.

When buying homemade gifts, tack on a little extra for Neosporin, will you?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Vix Emporium - OPEN for business!

Last night, my crafty friend Jennifer* and I went to the grand opening of Vix Emporium in West Philly. It was a very nice time: good crowd, yummy snacks, beers for those interested in imbibing. I tried to take some photos for you good people but then realized my batteries were dead. :-(

In any case, the store looks great and I love the way my stuff is being presented. AND while we were there, I was lucky enough to see one of my pieces get sold. That's always a nice feeling!

If you live in Philly, be sure to check out Vix Emporium at 5009 Baltimore Avenue. Fabulous handmade items at very reasonable prices... And if you need inspiration, it's diagonally across the street from the Dock Street brew pub, which we visited as well. Also reasonable prices, but no handmade crafts. Except beer. :-)

*She of Jericas Designs... link over there on the right.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Last Minute Gift Countdown

I think this is a really cool idea... this blog: is hosting a two week "Last Minute Gift Countdown." On each day between November 5-17, a different crafter will provide instructions on making a different handmade gift.

Here is the list of participating designers in order of their appearance on the blog:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Crafting Diva

I have been a mad little crafting monkey lately! With the opening of Vix Emporium coming up on Saturday, I had to bust a move to get my stuff done... and while I was busy, figured I should make double the goods for the upcoming holiday sale at the University City Arts League.

I've been making stone coasters, stamped candles (some neat new designs this year which I'm very excited about) and packs of cards... in fact, I was so behind yesterday that I had Ed cutting and gluing. I can report to you that he has lots of enthusiasm, but isn't the best glue-er. :-)

We did take a break for some extracurricular fun this weekend, though, at a friend's wedding. I sort of wish we hadn't felt compelled to drink every alcoholic beverage in the city of Philadelphia, but we did have a very good time!

Go Portland!

How cool is this??
I love this idea of informing the community about the work of local crafters.
Awesome stuff!

Handmade Holiday Alert links shoppers, makers
Friday, November 09, 2007

In an effort to help Portlanders support local micro-businesses, DIY Alert has launched a limited-run e-mail newsletter called the Handmade Holiday Alert.

"Portland has such a talented community of makers," says DIY Alert 's founder, Diane Gilleland, "and many of them earn part of their living from their handmade work. We wanted to provide these artists and crafters with better exposure to holiday shoppers."

The Handmade Holiday Alert will be sent to over 700 subscribers each Friday through Dec. 21. Each issue introduces five local makers, and tells stories about their work. Subscriptions are free, and available at

"This is a very personal approach," says Gilleland. "We're trying to help shoppers understand that they're buying from real people - fellow Portlanders. We want everyone to see the positive impact they can have by shopping locally for holiday gifts - not to mention, see the amazing variety of stuff out there."

The Handmade Holiday Alert also encourages shoppers to buy handmade gifts rather than mass-produced ones this season.

"Handmade things are so much more personal and special," says Gilleland. "Why give another factory-made gadget, one of millions in existence, when you can give a one-of-a-kind scarf or handbag - something with a story behind it?"

DIY Alert is an online hub for Portland artists and crafters, offering a managed calendar of creative events around the city. The website regularly profiles local artists and crafters, and offers reviews of local creative spots. DIY Alert is perhaps best known for its Crafty Google Map of Portland. (

Gilleland also is the founder of the popular monthly Church of Craft gatherings held at the downtown Portland Multnomah County Library.

The Hillsboro Argus -

Friday, November 9, 2007

Topiaries in the mist

I thought it would be fun to share with you all the things I prepared for my wedding... I made everything from the invitations to the programs to the centerpieces to the favors! Unfortunately, I don't have a photo of the favors, but the rest is here... :-)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Is it true that crafts are not for the younger generation?

I was reading an article today about the holiday season being such a busy time of the year for artists and crafters and was saddened to read that many of the crafters interviewed explained that their sales have gone down in recent years. They postulate that the reason for the change is that the younger generation doesn't value handmade crafts or going to craft shows.

I just don't get that.

"My generation and younger didn't grow up going to craft fairs," Ventrella said. "It's not something many young people do."

Personally, I've always enjoyed craft fairs because I find it so interesting to see what other people like to craft. It just seems that there are so many cool things that you can make that I've never even thought of... and I consider myself a pretty crafty gal.

I think, too, that I'm just getting to a point in my life where I have a whole lot of stuff. Do I need another sweater from the Gap or another gift card I'll forget to use? I really don't. But, I do appreciate the work of others and being able to say "oh, you like this bracelet? A friend of mine made it" or "oh, I bought it at the holiday craft sale" or whatever.

And when it comes to it, I guess I'd rather give my $20 to a crafter than to Wal-mart.

In any case, here is the article if you are interested:

And all you youngsters: stop shopping at Urban Outfitters. It's overpriced and badly made. If you want something that looks handmade or vintage, why not just buy the real thing?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


...I've set up an itty bitty Etsy shop!
Itty bitty because there is only one item in it right now!

You can check out the link over there on the right... and hopefully, there will be more to come in my shop!

I'm encouraged by the fact that I just "opened" for business and 4 people have already visited my shop. I know, I know. 4 people... practically a mob scene. But, we start small and then envision great things.

Truthfully, I don't know how well stocked the Etsy shop will be before the holidays. Between Vix and the upcoming craft sale at the University City Arts League, most of my stuff is being directed somewhere already. But, I thought that starting a spot over at Etsy would make me feel more legitimate in a way... and maybe that will inspire me to just craft every waking hour. LOL

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sharing the love

Check out my friend, Jennifer, over at Jericas Designs. She makes fabulous jewelry - including my wedding jewelry...

Go over to her page (now, I'll wait)...


Did you see the bride in the slide show? THAT WAS ME.


Seriously, Jen's stuff is awesome - check her out!

Vix Emporium

I am thrilled to announce that my work will be featured in the new shop, Vix Emporium, at 50th and Baltimore*.

Vix will be opening to the public on November 17th (5p - 10p) with a grand opening event! If you are in the Philadelphia area, you might want to stop by... if you are in the Philadelphia area and are my friend, perhaps you'd like to grab a beer with the hubby and I after shopping. :-)

* Philadelphians may remember Mia Lou, which formerly occupied that space. My work was featured there as well.

A new venture - the Heatherbrook Designs blog

Oh, how I have floated across the internet... LiveJournal, Two Peas, My Space, A Cherry. I have been adrift on the seas of HTML, encountering irate crafters, pirates of vulgarity, and so many other joys to behold.

In an attempt to ground myself in my own creativity and truly get my ducks in a row with Heatherbrook, I am starting this new blog with the best of intentions. I intend to actually update it! Even a year from now. The saints preserve us.

This will work best if people comment and communicate with me... so feel free to tell me what you like, what you hate, and how you think the Democrats will do in '08.
