Monday, November 12, 2007

Go Portland!

How cool is this??
I love this idea of informing the community about the work of local crafters.
Awesome stuff!

Handmade Holiday Alert links shoppers, makers
Friday, November 09, 2007

In an effort to help Portlanders support local micro-businesses, DIY Alert has launched a limited-run e-mail newsletter called the Handmade Holiday Alert.

"Portland has such a talented community of makers," says DIY Alert 's founder, Diane Gilleland, "and many of them earn part of their living from their handmade work. We wanted to provide these artists and crafters with better exposure to holiday shoppers."

The Handmade Holiday Alert will be sent to over 700 subscribers each Friday through Dec. 21. Each issue introduces five local makers, and tells stories about their work. Subscriptions are free, and available at

"This is a very personal approach," says Gilleland. "We're trying to help shoppers understand that they're buying from real people - fellow Portlanders. We want everyone to see the positive impact they can have by shopping locally for holiday gifts - not to mention, see the amazing variety of stuff out there."

The Handmade Holiday Alert also encourages shoppers to buy handmade gifts rather than mass-produced ones this season.

"Handmade things are so much more personal and special," says Gilleland. "Why give another factory-made gadget, one of millions in existence, when you can give a one-of-a-kind scarf or handbag - something with a story behind it?"

DIY Alert is an online hub for Portland artists and crafters, offering a managed calendar of creative events around the city. The website regularly profiles local artists and crafters, and offers reviews of local creative spots. DIY Alert is perhaps best known for its Crafty Google Map of Portland. (

Gilleland also is the founder of the popular monthly Church of Craft gatherings held at the downtown Portland Multnomah County Library.

The Hillsboro Argus -

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