Sunday, November 18, 2007

Vix Emporium - OPEN for business!

Last night, my crafty friend Jennifer* and I went to the grand opening of Vix Emporium in West Philly. It was a very nice time: good crowd, yummy snacks, beers for those interested in imbibing. I tried to take some photos for you good people but then realized my batteries were dead. :-(

In any case, the store looks great and I love the way my stuff is being presented. AND while we were there, I was lucky enough to see one of my pieces get sold. That's always a nice feeling!

If you live in Philly, be sure to check out Vix Emporium at 5009 Baltimore Avenue. Fabulous handmade items at very reasonable prices... And if you need inspiration, it's diagonally across the street from the Dock Street brew pub, which we visited as well. Also reasonable prices, but no handmade crafts. Except beer. :-)

*She of Jericas Designs... link over there on the right.

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