Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Is it true that crafts are not for the younger generation?

I was reading an article today about the holiday season being such a busy time of the year for artists and crafters and was saddened to read that many of the crafters interviewed explained that their sales have gone down in recent years. They postulate that the reason for the change is that the younger generation doesn't value handmade crafts or going to craft shows.

I just don't get that.

"My generation and younger didn't grow up going to craft fairs," Ventrella said. "It's not something many young people do."

Personally, I've always enjoyed craft fairs because I find it so interesting to see what other people like to craft. It just seems that there are so many cool things that you can make that I've never even thought of... and I consider myself a pretty crafty gal.

I think, too, that I'm just getting to a point in my life where I have a whole lot of stuff. Do I need another sweater from the Gap or another gift card I'll forget to use? I really don't. But, I do appreciate the work of others and being able to say "oh, you like this bracelet? A friend of mine made it" or "oh, I bought it at the holiday craft sale" or whatever.

And when it comes to it, I guess I'd rather give my $20 to a crafter than to Wal-mart.

In any case, here is the article if you are interested:

And all you youngsters: stop shopping at Urban Outfitters. It's overpriced and badly made. If you want something that looks handmade or vintage, why not just buy the real thing?


Jennifer said...

I wonder how this jives with the craft resurgence in the mid-20s, mid 30s women I've read all about. Every woman of that age seems to have picked up knitting. And I suddenly know a LOT more jewelry makers. And look at all of the scrapbooking that's going on. So is it that b/c they make things, they don't want to go out and look at more of it? Or they already make stuff to give away? I don't know...We need to find some people who DON'T craft, to buy OUR stuff!

Heather Kelley said...

I think it's that they enjoy the hobbies or like the products, but don't value the items above new Coach wristlets.