Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh the weather outside is... not quite winter

So after much avoidance on my part, I finally started my personal holiday cards this weekend. You will be pleased to know that no one was harmed during the construction of these cards and that I still have all my fingers. It took me a long time to get motivated to start my cards this year... maybe because I was feeling itimidated - I always end up sending at least 100 cards and I sort of feel like, "man, i just DID this" what with the wedding invitations earlier this year. Plus, it doesn't feel like winter outside (hence the title of this entry). And plus, I bought new stamps for this year's card and then just couldn't wrap my head around what I wanted to do... but, then it all came together and now I *love* them!! I can't post a picture here because I don't want to ruin anyone's holiday joy, but I am seriously happy... they are very simple cards, but I think very pretty and the fact that I haven't designed the Mt. Rushmore of Santa greetings YET AGAIN makes me feel very relaxed. And I need that, people, I really do. I mean, this is the same woman who almost took of her own finger last week making Christmas ornaments. Clearly, I need to take a break from the over exertion.

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