Monday, December 10, 2007

Crafting on the Go

The opening of the UCAL sale went very well! We were really busy and the crowd was good... of course, it's always a bit stressful, too, because there is so much going on and I was so busy! So, it was very nice to have some relaxing crafting time in a different environment on Saturday. My alumnae chapter has long talked about visiting a local Color Me Mine branch to "paint our own pottery" and finally did it this weekend.

Although we're not making the pieces ourselves, it's still a very creative process. You select a piece (sizes ranging from small ornaments to piggy banks to huge platters and much more) and then your color palette of under glazes and then get to work! They have stencils and foam stamps and all sorts of cool things to use.

I realized when I was there that it's such a stress reliever to sit and paint things and focus closely on that... I guess it just lets your brain sort out other things on its own while you're busy. Or something.

In any case, the prices are very reasonable (just a $10 base for under glazes, glazing, firing, and using all their stuff) and then you pay by the piece. They fire things on such a reliable schedule that your pieces are done a week from when you painted them.

So, these are the before firing pictures... next week, I'll share the after!

PS. I know I owe pictures of the UCAL sale - I need to get on that!

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