Wednesday, December 12, 2007

UCAL Sale Photos

I took some photos the other night at the UCAL sale and I'm really happy with the way they turned out. I'm really pleased with the layout of the sale and the fantastic items that people have made this year. For example, Trina made a whole series of bird houses and some new, beautiful mirrors. They look like quilts! She also made these gorgeous pillows again this year.

This year, Jennifer (Jericas Designs) made a new series of jewelry pieces with semi precious stones and gorgeous pendants...

...In addition to her old favorites.

Of course, we also have tons of ornaments, pottery, and so much more!

I do wish I had taken photos at the opening, though... This little display of coasters would have been a little bigger! Always a good problem to have - when things sell faster than you can photograph them!

Overall, it's a really good sale... I just wish that the crowds were coming out... it's been a slow sale so far. So, if you live in the Philadelphia area, stop on by: 4226 Spruce Street!

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