Monday, November 5, 2007

A new venture - the Heatherbrook Designs blog

Oh, how I have floated across the internet... LiveJournal, Two Peas, My Space, A Cherry. I have been adrift on the seas of HTML, encountering irate crafters, pirates of vulgarity, and so many other joys to behold.

In an attempt to ground myself in my own creativity and truly get my ducks in a row with Heatherbrook, I am starting this new blog with the best of intentions. I intend to actually update it! Even a year from now. The saints preserve us.

This will work best if people comment and communicate with me... so feel free to tell me what you like, what you hate, and how you think the Democrats will do in '08.



Jennifer said...

Welcome to the craft blogosphere! Let's exchange links and make fun comments on our entries! And remind me who we're voting for tomorrow, please!

Heather Kelley said...

if we're going to vote tomorrow, it has to get chillier. i can't vote in autumn weather.

Jennifer said...

I want to see another shot of the votive b/c I can't tell where the image is!

Heather Kelley said...
