Friday, February 1, 2008

February Creative Challenge

Whoo hoo - Creative Challenge Month!

I will keep updating this post with all my goings-on.

February 1: Today, I listed three items in my Etsy shop and wrote 4 pages in my book.

February 2: 7.50am. This was an early time for creativity... I have to leave shortly for a full day of sorority events, but I got up early enough to have a tiny bit of writing time... just a page today, but every page is one more I won't be writing later.

February 3: 10.51am. Another page. We'll see if I do more later or if I decide to work on some other stuff... but I'm exhausted and feeling the need to rest today. So, I'll be happy with my page.

February 4: 5.04pm. It's Monday and I had dental things today (which were encouraging), but I did manage to think creatively very briefly and wrote an itty bitty amount. I may also make some valentines tonight for Etsy. An idea came to me last night in which I can use my new stamps. :-)

February 5: 11.18am. I am happy to report that last night, I made 5 cards (2 valentine for etsy, 2 st patty's for etsy, 1 st patty's for my aunt) and that this morning, I posted the 4 for sale on my etsy page. Also, happy anniversary, Mom & Dad!

February 6: 1.56pm. Last night, I made some new items for my Etsy shop, which I listed this morning. Also, I contributed an entry to a new blog on movies: From the Q. Tonight, I am going to pottery class... I have an idea for some four leaf clover things and hopefully, I will have cows to glaze.

February 7: 5.51pm. Alas, there were no cows to glaze last night, but I did do some handbuilding, which was fun. Today, I was a major stressball at work, but did manage to write about 2.5 pages for the book... so, that's a little something on a bad day.

February 8: 9.55am. Yesterday, I had a rough day followed by a fun happy hour, but in between managed to write 2.5 pages. Whew! Oh - and the night before, I made valentines and candles to take over to Vix today. I need to stop by the hardware store in a bit to pick up the felt circles to finish off some coaster sets to take over, too!

February 10: 7.42am. I had a very nice, relaxing weekend (much needed). I went to happy hour, saw a play, went to the gym, watched a movie, watched TV, finished a good book! I did get in a little creative time (although not much to be honest). On Saturday, I picked up the necessary felt circles to complete another set of coasters and then walked over to Vix to drop off 4 sets of coasters, 4 valentines, and 3 candles. When I got there, Emily told me that all my stuff (except for 1 coaster set and 1 candle) had sold! Yesterday, after I watched a movie on DVD, I did some creative writing with a blog post on From the Q about it. As I said, just a little this weekend. But, it was a nice weekend, so I'm not complaining.

February 12: 10.50am. Yesterday, was out of hand. I had an all day meeting and I didn't get home until almost 7pm. I had a conference call that went from 9pm - 10.10pm. I was utterly un-crafty feeling last night. If it weren't for the freakin' challenge, I would have just slept the sleep of the righteous without having to break out glue. But, since it was the challenge, I did craft a little: altering another of those journals. Ironically, I ended up really liking it a lot and wouldn't have made it if I didn't have to do so. Maybe I'll post a picture of it later....

February 13: 4.58pm. Yesterday and today, I am pleased to report that I wrote a bit in my book and that I am up to 41 pages.

February 16: 6.23pm. Busy, busy with all the fabulous Valentine's celebrating!! On V-day itself, I created an Etsy treasury and that was about all I had time for: I worked non stop and then Ed and I went out... On Friday, we went out again for a FABulous dinner at Waterworks, but I did manage to get a small amount of writing done. Got a bit done just now, too. I love the character I just introduced. Most of the characters don't spend a lot of time with the heroine, but I want them to stand out and this one definitely did.

February 19: 10.23am. Sunday, I had another busy day, but I started it off with some writing, which was very cool. Yesterday, I worked on scrapbook pages for the alumnae chapter scrapbook. Last night, I actually got an idea for another book (I know, I know - I need to finish this one first!). So, this morning, I wrote out an outline for it, so I wouldn't lose anything. It will be called "Waiting for Michelle." I still need a title for the one I'm working on now. None of the ones I come up with seem to fit.

February 22: 8.52am. Good morning!! Let's see... on Wednesday, I went to pottery where I made some tiles and glazed some tiles. Last night, I did 4 scrapbook pages!

February 23: 11.17am. Snow day yesterday, so I left work early! Yay!! No desire to craft, though. I made myself alter a journal so that I wouldn't slack off, though. :-). Today, I wrote a page and a half in my book and a new blog entry for From the Q.

February 25: 2.40pm. Wrote a bit yesterday, wrote a bit today... I'd like to have more time to devote to writing. I need a laptop.

March 3: 3.39pm. For the last few days of February: did some writing on the 27 and 28 and made a card for Lucinda on the 29th.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

SUPER awesome and i'm really excited by your enthusiasm. Even on sentence is a victory. I'm off to make my 2nd sketch.