Thursday, February 7, 2008

Guest Crafter: It runs in the family...

Today, I want to share some crafting with you that isn't even mine! It's my dad's!!

Dad has a tendency to embrace his hobbies like a choking victim claws the floor. Meaning, he goes WHOLE HOG or he goes home. It's been a long parade: corvettes, scuba equipment and boat, ham radio, golf, Harleys. Now, he's all about cowboys and shooting enthusiast stuff.

A little while ago, he decided to start working on his own leather projects. These ambitions started small and recently have developed into massive undertakings that I am AMAZED he made himself. He dyes the leather, cuts it, sews it, and most incredibly does every bit of the stamped embossing. And no - he does not have a big flower stamp that he presses into the leather. At Christmas, he showed us the flower design in a book of templates. He then pressed into the leather to match it, using etching tools.

This project is his new gun belt or as he says "his new rig." He decided to make something similar to the Roy Rogers version he wore when he was 10. Sadly, that one doesn't fit anymore.

I think that Dad should start making leather purses and then I can market them and together we can put Coach out of business and then I won't have to go work every day. But, in lieu of that master plan, we should at the very least make him an Etsy page.


Jennifer said...

I think these pix are absolutely phenomenal. What an amazing piece of work; your father should be very proud of himself.

You know, as a crafty person, I can often look at something and have some sense of how it was made (even if I can't do the work). But the designs, here? I don't have a single clue. Not a clue. But the result looks like the work of someone who is a master and who has been doing this for years and years. It doesn't look like a beginner's work.

I know you said your dad isn't making things to sell, so I hesitate to ask who DS is...

Don't tell me it's his western weekend nickname or something?

He should definitely make his work available online to show people, if nothing else.

Heather Kelley said...

Double Shot O'Reilly... it's his western weekend nickname. :-)

And I agree - he should definitely promote it