Monday, February 18, 2008


I'm sorry that I don't have any photos to show you. Perhaps, I can get one of me typing. I've been busy writing: mostly in my book, but a little for From the Q (see link somewhere on this page - I'm too lazy to track it down right now).

The book is going well. It's not going super fast (I'm at about 45 pages), but I'm happy with the progress and pieces are starting to make themselves clear to me, which is a real treat. I can't wait for it to be done so I can read it from start to finish, but at the same time, I'm not in a rush. I feel like if I try to hurry through it, I will miss something important.

But, it's going really well.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

ANOTHER Treasury

I can't believe I got another treasury!! Luck is on my side over at Etsy. :-)

This one is a buy and replace and I stocked it full of my favorite sellers:

BNR Beauties!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rachel!

I want to wish a very happy birthday to my friend, Rachel, who was celebrating over the weekend!! Wishing you lots of health, happiness, and fun over the next year and always!!

Rachel's birthday gave me an opportunity to try some additional techniques at Color Me Mine - stamping with a light color over a dark one. I was so glad to hear from Rachel that she liked the way it turned out!!

Happy Birthday, Rach!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Guest Crafter: It runs in the family...

Today, I want to share some crafting with you that isn't even mine! It's my dad's!!

Dad has a tendency to embrace his hobbies like a choking victim claws the floor. Meaning, he goes WHOLE HOG or he goes home. It's been a long parade: corvettes, scuba equipment and boat, ham radio, golf, Harleys. Now, he's all about cowboys and shooting enthusiast stuff.

A little while ago, he decided to start working on his own leather projects. These ambitions started small and recently have developed into massive undertakings that I am AMAZED he made himself. He dyes the leather, cuts it, sews it, and most incredibly does every bit of the stamped embossing. And no - he does not have a big flower stamp that he presses into the leather. At Christmas, he showed us the flower design in a book of templates. He then pressed into the leather to match it, using etching tools.

This project is his new gun belt or as he says "his new rig." He decided to make something similar to the Roy Rogers version he wore when he was 10. Sadly, that one doesn't fit anymore.

I think that Dad should start making leather purses and then I can market them and together we can put Coach out of business and then I won't have to go work every day. But, in lieu of that master plan, we should at the very least make him an Etsy page.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Finally, a Treasury!

I have been trying to get a Treasury on Etsy for eons!! Finally! I am a curator:
Tattoo Life.

Here's a sampling of some of the items in the treasury...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!

Happy Anniversary to my parents, who are celebrating an amazing 36 years of marriage!!

My parents live in a little cabin in the woods:

To commemorate their anniversary, I made them this:

In retrospect, I should have added context around the cabin so that it doesn't look so odd that the right side is different (but that's how it is in real life)... oh, well, nothing is perfect I guess.

I hope that they enjoy it!

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! xoxoxoxo

Friday, February 1, 2008

February Creative Challenge

Whoo hoo - Creative Challenge Month!

I will keep updating this post with all my goings-on.

February 1: Today, I listed three items in my Etsy shop and wrote 4 pages in my book.

February 2: 7.50am. This was an early time for creativity... I have to leave shortly for a full day of sorority events, but I got up early enough to have a tiny bit of writing time... just a page today, but every page is one more I won't be writing later.

February 3: 10.51am. Another page. We'll see if I do more later or if I decide to work on some other stuff... but I'm exhausted and feeling the need to rest today. So, I'll be happy with my page.

February 4: 5.04pm. It's Monday and I had dental things today (which were encouraging), but I did manage to think creatively very briefly and wrote an itty bitty amount. I may also make some valentines tonight for Etsy. An idea came to me last night in which I can use my new stamps. :-)

February 5: 11.18am. I am happy to report that last night, I made 5 cards (2 valentine for etsy, 2 st patty's for etsy, 1 st patty's for my aunt) and that this morning, I posted the 4 for sale on my etsy page. Also, happy anniversary, Mom & Dad!

February 6: 1.56pm. Last night, I made some new items for my Etsy shop, which I listed this morning. Also, I contributed an entry to a new blog on movies: From the Q. Tonight, I am going to pottery class... I have an idea for some four leaf clover things and hopefully, I will have cows to glaze.

February 7: 5.51pm. Alas, there were no cows to glaze last night, but I did do some handbuilding, which was fun. Today, I was a major stressball at work, but did manage to write about 2.5 pages for the book... so, that's a little something on a bad day.

February 8: 9.55am. Yesterday, I had a rough day followed by a fun happy hour, but in between managed to write 2.5 pages. Whew! Oh - and the night before, I made valentines and candles to take over to Vix today. I need to stop by the hardware store in a bit to pick up the felt circles to finish off some coaster sets to take over, too!

February 10: 7.42am. I had a very nice, relaxing weekend (much needed). I went to happy hour, saw a play, went to the gym, watched a movie, watched TV, finished a good book! I did get in a little creative time (although not much to be honest). On Saturday, I picked up the necessary felt circles to complete another set of coasters and then walked over to Vix to drop off 4 sets of coasters, 4 valentines, and 3 candles. When I got there, Emily told me that all my stuff (except for 1 coaster set and 1 candle) had sold! Yesterday, after I watched a movie on DVD, I did some creative writing with a blog post on From the Q about it. As I said, just a little this weekend. But, it was a nice weekend, so I'm not complaining.

February 12: 10.50am. Yesterday, was out of hand. I had an all day meeting and I didn't get home until almost 7pm. I had a conference call that went from 9pm - 10.10pm. I was utterly un-crafty feeling last night. If it weren't for the freakin' challenge, I would have just slept the sleep of the righteous without having to break out glue. But, since it was the challenge, I did craft a little: altering another of those journals. Ironically, I ended up really liking it a lot and wouldn't have made it if I didn't have to do so. Maybe I'll post a picture of it later....

February 13: 4.58pm. Yesterday and today, I am pleased to report that I wrote a bit in my book and that I am up to 41 pages.

February 16: 6.23pm. Busy, busy with all the fabulous Valentine's celebrating!! On V-day itself, I created an Etsy treasury and that was about all I had time for: I worked non stop and then Ed and I went out... On Friday, we went out again for a FABulous dinner at Waterworks, but I did manage to get a small amount of writing done. Got a bit done just now, too. I love the character I just introduced. Most of the characters don't spend a lot of time with the heroine, but I want them to stand out and this one definitely did.

February 19: 10.23am. Sunday, I had another busy day, but I started it off with some writing, which was very cool. Yesterday, I worked on scrapbook pages for the alumnae chapter scrapbook. Last night, I actually got an idea for another book (I know, I know - I need to finish this one first!). So, this morning, I wrote out an outline for it, so I wouldn't lose anything. It will be called "Waiting for Michelle." I still need a title for the one I'm working on now. None of the ones I come up with seem to fit.

February 22: 8.52am. Good morning!! Let's see... on Wednesday, I went to pottery where I made some tiles and glazed some tiles. Last night, I did 4 scrapbook pages!

February 23: 11.17am. Snow day yesterday, so I left work early! Yay!! No desire to craft, though. I made myself alter a journal so that I wouldn't slack off, though. :-). Today, I wrote a page and a half in my book and a new blog entry for From the Q.

February 25: 2.40pm. Wrote a bit yesterday, wrote a bit today... I'd like to have more time to devote to writing. I need a laptop.

March 3: 3.39pm. For the last few days of February: did some writing on the 27 and 28 and made a card for Lucinda on the 29th.

Crafting for a Cause

Lately, I've been working my little fingers to the bone on a series of scrapbooks that I am donating to 5 upcoming auction events that benefit the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation. These are pre-decorated albums with spots for photos and journaling. The winning bidder just has to add her own!

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